Docker — WebUI

Bhavna Surendra Latare
2 min readJun 25, 2021


Task Description

To create a Web Application for Docker (one of the great Containerization Tool which provides the user Platform as a Service (PaaS)) by showing your own creativity and UI/UX designing skills to make the webportal user friendly.

📌 This app will help the user to run all the docker commands like:

👉docker images

👉docker ps

👉docker run

👉docker rm -f

👉docker exec

To perform this task, I have launched an instance a RHEL 8 instance.

Step1- Install Apache webserver in the instance.

Command: yum install httpd

Step2- Install Docker in the instance.

Command: yum install docker-ce — nobest

Note: Some might face error while installing docker. Please update your repo file of yum and then try to install the docker service.

Step3- Enable the services of webserver and Docker

To enable apache webserver:

command to enable services: systemctl start httpd

command to check the status: systemctl status httpd

To enable docker services:

Command to start docker service: systemctl start docker

Command to enable docker service: systemctl enable docker

Command to check the status of docker: systemctl status docker

Step 4- Get the ip of the instance.

Command: ifconfig

Step 5- Go to cd /var/www/html directory

Create or paste the html files that you have. As well as create a python file that will be responsible to show the output on the webUI created by us.

Website content :

Javascript is used as client side programming language. The commands entered by the user is taken as input and sent to the function f1() created. The request in set using XMLHttpRequest(). The function f1() is responsible for getting the output too. It gets the output from the instance running and displays on the screen.

Git hub Repo —



Bhavna Surendra Latare
Bhavna Surendra Latare

Written by Bhavna Surendra Latare

I am a student passionate about Programming and Development | DSA Enthusiastic | working on ML | exploring Indian Culture

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