Kubernetes WebUI
To make a WebUI for using Kubernetes command remotely we need to setup minikube in our system.
For performing this practical I have setup the Kubernetes on the system.
Let’s start the setup -
Step 1: Install minikube
Step 2: Start minikube system
Command: minikube start
Step 3: Login to minikube VM using the following username and password.
Username: docker
Password: tcuser
Step 4: Go to admin.conf file present in /etc/kubernetes directory.
Copy the file to docker folder present in home directory and change the permissions i.e. change the rule for port 7777
This step will prove help full to us for transferring the files from one system to other without any single point of failure.
Copy the admin.conf folder to RHEL8 VM using winSCP.
Step 5: Install kubectl software in the VM.
To install kubectl software use: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/
Update the repository of Kubernetes.
Note: kubectl software act as client in Kubernetes cluster.
Install kubectl software.
Command: yum install kubectl — disableexcludes-kubernetes
Step 6: Update the admin.confg file
Replace the hostname with IP of minikube VM and change the configurations of network of minikube VM. give first priority to NAT and host-only as second.
Here the setup is ready to go!
Step 7: Get the IP of RHEL8 VM using command ifconfig.
Step 8: Create a landing page using HTML, CSS and JS.

Step 9: Create a python file which will help in receiving and sending the inputs and outputs respectively.

I have imported python-cgi and subprocess to gather the input and output and redirect them to the landing page so that the user is able to the see the outputs of the commands enteredby him/her.

Thank you!
Get the code @ Github- https://github.com/Bhavna-tech/Summer_Program_2021/tree/main/Task%2009